The Lord Saves the Humble

God’s Heart Today (G♥️T)

A Daily Devotional with David Olatona



Main Text
Psalms 34:1-10

This poor man cried out, and the Lord heard him, And saved him out of all his troubles. Psalms 34:6 (NKJV)

This text teaches us that we are helpless and that we need God. The word “poor” used here has nothing to do with wealth or the lack of it. It is the one of deep and true humility of the heart. We should always appear before God in humility and with faith. We must be humble in our spirits. If you put the word “humble” in place of the word “poor,” you will understand the text better. Besides those who seek the Lord in all of their troubles, God also delivers the “poor man” when he cries for help. (Job 34:28).

It only those who are helpless that can truly pray well. Prayer therefore consists simply in telling God day by day in what ways we feel helpless. We are moved to pray every time the Spirit of God, which is the spirit of prayer, emphasizes anew to us our helplessness, and we realize how inadequate we are by nature to believe, love, hope, serve, sacrifice, suffer, read the Bible, pray, and to struggle against our sinful desires.”(Psalms 121:1-2).

The poor (humble) man’s prayer is always emphatic, earnest, continuous and presented with the rightful sense of devotion, in a thoughtful spirit. Consistent and intentional daily prayer is one of the spiritual disciplines that many Christians struggle with the most. We need to be encouraged by this verse to persevere in praying, because our prayers are never wasted! The Lord hears us and He is always listening! (James 5:16b).

Father I refuse to be proud but to be dependent on you. Thank you Jesus. Amen

Oh Lord give me the grace to be humble at your presence for the rest of my life. Amen.

Additional Reading
Psalms 145:18-20
Psalms 34:17-19.