Look Up to the Lord

Main Text: Psalms 121:1-8

Watchword: Then David said to Abiathar the priest, Ahimelech’s son, “Please bring the ephod here to me.” And Abiathar brought the ephod to David.
1 Samuel 30:7 NKJV

Looking up to God means doing things God’s way. God’s way is always the best way, so learn to do things God’s way. First of all, if you want to do things God’s way, you need to start with God. Starting with God means approaching the Lord and seeking God’s will and help in prayer. Invite God into your situation, by making sure to start every task, every trial, and every day with God.(Psalms 121:1).

The ephod was a special garment that the priest used to seek guidance from the Lord. This was one of the specific way that God told the Israelites they could seek His will during this specific time of history. (Exodus 28:28-30).

David went to the Lord directly with his problem. (James 1:5). Now, we have something much better, so we don’t need to have a priest like Abiathar or an ephod. We can go to God directly through Jesus the living word of God as our high priest.

Dear God, I commit all my plans into your hands, guide me in the direction of the plans that you do approve for my life.

Oh Lord, give me the grace to always seek you before I do anything at all. Amen.

Additional Reading
Matthew 6:9-13
Isaiah 2:3