Here Comes the Judge

The instructions from the good Judge are for your good, to help you to live your life in the best way possible… The judgement of God will extend to all who do not know Him as their God and Father.

Main Text: Hebrews 10:26-31

Watchword: In flaming fire taking vengeance on those who do not know God, and on those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. (2 Thessalonians 1:8) NKJV

God always executes punishment with justice. For the sake of His own honor, God has given instructions to man about how to live and function in this world.

Paul described the eternal judgment on those without Christ as a judgment in flaming fire. And indeed, according to him, destruction is exactly what comes on those who do not know God, who do not obey the scripture about how to live. The judgement of God will extend to all who do not know Him as their God and Father, these people do not respect, worship or have faith in Him. Those who do not obey the gospel are those who have ignored and refused the Lord Jesus. (Romans 1:18-20).

When you ignore the instructions, you give up honoring God, and you will suffer the consequences. It is not because God sends the consequences to you, but because wrong choices and bad decisions naturally lead to devastation and destruction. (John 3:19).

Heavenly father, as I trust in you, help me draw nearer to You as you keep me moment by moment wrapped in Your grace and love

Oh Lord, give me the grace to willing lead others to you.

Additional Reading
John 3:18-21; Romans 2:7-8



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