June 16, 2020 – Daily Devotional with David Olatona – UNFORGIVENESS SERIES
Main Text:
Matthew 18:21-35
But if you do not forgive, neither will your father who is in heaven forgive your sins.
Mark 11:26
Unforgiveness doesn’t just weigh down the spirit, it can lead to avoidable health issues.
What Are the Signs that Unforgiveness is Eating You Alive?
- When you begin to have sporadic burst of anger
- When you become suddenly petty and impulsive
- When you begin to keep list of offenses
- When you start exercising poor judgement
- When you start hating yourself.
Unforgiveness put the enemy at an advantage but once you forgive, you break that advantage the enemy had over you. Forgive and let go. Refuse to let the hurt take hold of your thoughts.
I receive grace to forgive and let go.
Father, I ask for forgiveness for every way I have been unforgiving towards those who offended me. Amen.
Additional Reading:
1 John 4:20-21