God’s Word Is A Reliable Guide

Main Text
Psalms 19:7-11

The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes
Psalms 19:8 NKJV

Here we find out that God’s word gives joy to the heart and light to the eyes. This text carries the idea of purging darkness out of us and enabling us to see clearly without distortion. All the enlightenment you need is right here in God’s word (Psalm 119:105). God says that His word enlightens the eyes, i.e., brings us out of darkness and ignorance. The word of God is so clear, brightening the eyes and hearts of those whose mind are dim, by making everything too clear. In other words, it is only the Scripture that can enlightens our minds to understand God’s Word and His will.

The commandment of the Lord is a gift designed to give us clarity on all the dark things of life so that we live enlightened about all things. Man disobeyed God also in the quest for enlightenment as Eve judged the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, to be (“a delight to the eyes”), one that will enlighten her (Genesis 3:6).
Instead of following God’s instructions Adam and Eve made a choice to believe the devil’s lies that they will be like God when they are already in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 3:5; 1:27)

God created you, so He knows what is best for you. God created us, so he has authority over us. He is not only your creator but also your judge, and you are accountable to Him for how you live your life. His commands are not burdensome, because He knows the right path and the best way to live. God’s word corrects you when you are wrong and puts you on the path of life. (Proverbs 6:23) True joy comes only from following God’s word.” (Luke 11:28). We cannot pick and choose – we must obey all of it. (Deuteronomy 12:32).

Oh Lord, help me to take to heart all the instruction you have given to me as I study your word daily and to obey them carefully.

Oh Lord, lead me daily as I stay close to you, to hear your voice as I read your word. Amen.

Additional Reading
Psalms 119:128-130
Proverbs 6:23.