A Daily Devotional with David Olatona – DIIVINE RESTORATION
Main Text: Psalms 126:1-6
Watchword: Restore our fortunes, O Lord, like streams in the Negev. Psalm 126:4b
The text is a prayer of revival for the perfecting of our deliverance. The beginnings of mercy are encouragements to us, to pray for the completion of it. So the psalmist is praying that God will restore Israel to vitality, just as he restores the streams of the Negev when it rains. Abiding is not just enough, fruitfulness is also needed for restoration in our lives.
When God works suddenly and unexpectedly resulting in outpouring of God’s blessing that is what the image of ‘streams in the Negev’ portrays.
(Isaiah 35:6). The Negev was in the southern part of Judah and is normally a dry and arid land. In fact the word “Negev” actually means “dry or parched.” But in the winter and spring, rains could suddenly send waters rushing through the desert, grass and flowers would spring forth suddenly almost overnight.
God can fill our wasted and wearied spirits with floods of holy Spirit delights. Do you ever feel like your life is a desert, spiritually dry and parched? Then you need to pray for God’s full restoration and blessing. Ask God to pour out his Spirit in your life like streams in the Negev. (Joel 2:25).
Seven-fold restoration is my portion. My God will fill me to overflow. The Lord will visit me again and the world will see in me the benefits of HIS visitation.
Oh Lord, open the floodgates of heaven and pour out your blessing on me. Amen
*Additional Reading*
Isaiah 43:19-22
Psalms 125:1-5