God Is Not Through With You Yet

Main Text
Isaiah 62:1-12

No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations.
Genesis 17:5 NKJV

God changes Abraham’s name to match
exactly the revelation of what his destiny will become. By giving new name to him, God is affirming a certain relationship and accepting a special responsibility to nurture and care for him. (Isaiah 43:1-2)

Just as God worked in Abraham’s life with a long-term view, and He works in each of our lives from an eternal perspective. God change Abraham’s name to illustrate the gravity and permanence of the covenant. God knows what He wants to achieve through each and everyone. So don’t just live by faith, walk by faith, and pray in faith. Be willing to learn the lessons that God wants to teach you, so that He can use you to forward His plans and purposes for your life in His way and in His time (Psalms 32:8)

For the rest of his life, Abraham remembered the Lord’s promises and fidelity whenever his name was called. This name change required another act of faith from Abraham to increase his confidence that God’s promise is reliable.

Heavenly Father, thank you for working in my life from an eternal perspective, help me to learn all that you have to teach me and become the person you have destined me to be.

Oh Lord, let my life be a testimony of your goodness and grace.

Additional Reading
Nehemiah 9:7
Romans 4:17.