God’s Word Is The Rule Of Life

Moreover by them Your servant is warned, And in keeping them there is great reward.
Psalms 19:11 NKJV

This text teaches us that by the laws of God you are warned, reminded, instructed, and exhorted, and in keeping them through obedience there is a great reward. So, the Bible provide us two incredible benefits, you receive from keeping God’s word, a warning to help you guard your heart and life, and then you receive great rewards when you follow what the Bible teaches. (Psalms 119:2-3). This instruction and reward, of course, begins with Jesus, the warning of rejecting Him, and the reward of accepting Him to receive forgiveness of sin. However, the instruction and reward are actually so much greater as the Bible’s teachings touch every part of life.

Believers, as God’s children, should love God’s word because it is desirable and also discerning. The Scripture warns us of our inherent nature – our sinfulness. Scripture also warns us of our condemnation and destination without God by telling us what is coming in the future – judgment. It warns us against sins which we commit willfully and inadvertently, we are rewarded when we hear or read and obey it, by helping us avoid falling into error and sin.(John 13:17).

Learning and keeping the word of God is a matter of the heart and not an academic exercise. So, we cannot know the teaching of God if we are not committed to doing His will (John 7:17). God’s word is the only source of all the knowledge that we can acquire to have a meaningful life. Keeping God’s word presents a great reward of obedience in obedience. There is a sense in which obedience becomes its own reward, because we live the way God wants us and designed us to live. Obeying God’s word make our lives truly valuable, it brings health and honor; it is peace and pleasure, it will make our comforts sweet, and our cross easy to bear. (Matthew 11:28-30).

Heavenly father, thank you for the continual inspiration of your word in my life, help me to understand the supreme value of knowing and keeping your word.

Oh Lord, let your word be profitable to me as I spend time reading or hearing it every day. Amen.

Additional Reading
James 1:22-25
Luke 6:47-49.