You Are A Glorious God

Main Text: Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth! Sing out the honor of His name; Make His praise glorious. Psalms 66: NKJV

As children of God, we give glory and praise to our God through our words, actions, and lifestyle. One of the most direct and straightforward ways to give God praise is verbally. This happens in our prayer – simply conversing with God or talking to Him. What do people say to you when they give you praise? Perhaps they say, “good job” or “that was wonderful!” Maybe they say, “It means so much to me when you…” Those kind words make you feel appreciated, loved, adored, and uplifted. The Bible says we are created in the image of God, because of this, we know God loves to receive our praise too. (Psalms 149:3-4).

Always search out opportunities to bring praise to God. Praise God for His holiness, mercy, and justice (Psalm 99:3-4). Praise God for His grace (Ephesians 1:6). Praise God for His kindness (Psalm 117). Praise God for your salvation (Ephesians 2:8-9). Sometimes we praise God inwardly as in Psalm 9:2 and other times we have opportunity to give glory and praise to our God publicly (Psalm 22:22). When we know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, our hearts long to praise His name.(Philippians 2: 2:9-11) Your praise to God is evidenced through your salvation. (1 Peter 2:9)

Giving glory and praise to our God is a wonderful thing, infact, praise is the greatest weapon of spiritual warfare! We are commanded in the Bible to praise God for who He is and what He has done. (Psalms 150:2). We can approach God with our praise because He desires it! When you give glory and praise to God, you lift Him up, you can’t help but have a humble heart. It is amazing what a little praise will do for your countenance, your heart, and the heart of God! So, go ahead and tell God how you feel! He longs to hear it.

Heavenly father, let my life honors you in all I say or do, in every circumstances of life, throughout the day and even as I drift into sleep at night.

Oh Lord, let your Spirit enables me continually to offer you my sacrifice of praise. Amen.

Additional Reading
1 Thessalonians 1:12
Isaiah 25:1



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Read The Grace of God here