Wisdom Keeps You From Evil

A Daily Devotional with David Olatona — WISDOM KEEPS FROM EVIL

Main TextProverbs 2:9-15Watchword”whose paths are crooked and who are devious in their ways.”Proverbs 2:15 (NIV)In our society today, the social media is communicating a terrible lie by making living in sin appears as fun. It only brings heartache and troubles in this life and an eternity in hell because the ways of the world will only lead to destruction and not life. Drunkenness, drugs, immorality, lying, cheating, covetousness, malice, envy, murder, deceit, backbiting, rebellion and stealing are few of the ways and paths of the wicked lifestyle that is being portrayed as good and none of these things can make for a happy ending. (Ephesians 5:5)A powerful illustration of a crooked or devious ways of a sinner or an evil person can be found in the Serpent’s questions to Eve in Genesis 3:1-5. First, the Serpent casts doubt on what God actually did or did not command, it draws the woman into thinking about the fairness of God’s command and then he lastly called God a liar, questioning God’s character and motives.Sinners delight in portraying evil and even believers get caught up in this portrayal since we pay to watch, experience and embrace the products from the entertainment industry where evils and sins of all kinds are actually celebrated. Only the proper fear of God will save a man from the crookedness and frowardness of the world.ConfessionI refuse to be seduced by the lies of the enemy nor enticed to follow the ways of the world.PrayerOh Lord, help me to trust totally in your Word of truth and to depend on You in all things. AmenAdditional ReadingDeuteronomy 32:5Philippians 2:15.