The Supplicated Yearning

Main Text
Isaiah 44:1-8

And Abraham said to God, “Oh, that Ishmael might live before You.
Genesis 17:18 NKJV

Abraham yearns to see Ishmael blessed of God, fearing that Ishmael may be cut off, or be forsaken of God. Abraham’s prayer here was wonderfully tempered by faith and love for Ishmael. The great thing we should desire of God for our children is that their lives might be preserved, and spent in the fear, worship, and service of God and having a share in the favor and gracious covenant of the Lord. (1 Chronicle 28:9).

Abraham’s pleas indicated his wish to adopt Ishmael as his heir(Genesis 15:2-4).
Abraham still just could not fathom that he and Sarah could have a son, and he was saying to God, bless me through Ishmael.

Abraham is verbalizing his desire that Ishmael would be the covenant bearer, and that he would walk before the face of God. Isn’t it interesting how we all become comfortable with our substitutes for God’s plan for our lives. We like the idea of planning our own lives out and then simply asking God to put His rubber stamp on our ambitions. (Isaiah 55:8)

Dear Lord, teach me how to align my heart with yours that your gracious presence will be with me, as l live a holy life, acceptable and well pleasing to you.

Oh Lord, open my heart to know the plans that you have for me and my family, that we may serve you with all of our strength. Amen

Additional Reading
Isaiah 54:13
Acts 2:39.