The Impact of God’s Word

Main Text
Psalms 19:1-10

The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.
Psalms 19:7 NKJV

The word of God is sure, being reliable, confirm and certain (Psalms 119:89). Because it is so sure and certain, it does the work of making wise the simple. Many people of simple education or upbringing have tremendous wisdom in life and godliness because they study and trust the sure word of the LORD (Acts 4:13). Within God’s word we find everything we need to know about who God is and who we are. It tells us about the devastating effects of our sins and the perfect sacrifice of our Savior. It tells us all we need to know about eternity and about how we can come to be in fellowship with God.

Perfect means it is without blemish, and is complete, lacking nothing. Perfection here speaks of wholeness, it has lost nothing and its perfection is the basis within which all of the other characteristics of God’s word is found. Part of the perfection of God’s word is that it is effective; it does the work of converting the soul. There is power in the reading, hearing and studying of the word of God that goes beyond intellectual benefit; it actually changes for the better by bringing new life to the soul (2 Peter 1:3).

The word is a testimony because it bears “witness” of it’s divine Author and makes the simple wise. The word “simple” shows us that to receive God’s wisdom, we must humble ourselves by setting aside proud human wisdom. So despite our degrees and accomplishments, we all need wise instruction. While we like to pride ourselves on our wisdom, when it comes to living, we are often foolish or gullible doing things in careless or stupid manners. To be wise is to be skilled in the art of practical and godly living (Proverbs 4:7-9).

Oh Lord, I thank you for your wisdom and insight, help me to grow in your knowledge of your word. Amen

Oh Lord, let your word make impact in my life. Amen.

Additional Reading
Psalms 119:130
Psalms 111:7