The Commanded Fear

The Commanded Fear is the fear of God which is the beginning of wisdom. Prov. 1: 7

We are expected to fear, respect and honor God because He is a consuming fire, the judge of the universe and must not be taken for granted.

The fear of God made Noah build the ark even though he had never seen rain before. Read Heb. 11: 7

Among Christians today, the fear of God has disappeared, with many thinking they can get away with not fearing God.

Eccl. 12:15. Fear God and keep His commandments. The Bible clearly commands us to fear God and follow through with His instructions.

Acts 9: 21 – if you want to enjoy peace and the comfort of the Holy Spirit, go on in the fear of the Lord!

Acts 10: 2, 22 – Cornelius was devout and feared God. If a man fears God in the family, the entire family will follow suit; but if it is just the woman that fears God, the chances that the entire household will fear God is 50-50. Ladies, marry a man that is God-fearing.

Acts 10: 35 – the man who fears God is welcome to Him.

It takes the fear of God to live in holiness. II Cor. 7:1. Acts 2: 43, 47. It takes the fear of God to work at your salvation. Phil. 2: 12. It takes the fear of God to persuade men to be saved. II Cor. 5: 11

Read about The Forbidden Fear


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