Overcoming by the Power of the Spirit

Welcome to the final teaching in the Overcomers’ Series – by the power of the Spirit! Read Overcoming Through Faith, Overcoming Through the Word of Testimony and Overcoming Through His name


In Gen. 1, the spirit of God was present event when the earth was void. God’s spirit empowered the word and brought things into existence.

The manifestation of God’s promises and blessings are possible as a result of a marriage between the word of God and His Spirit. If we are going to overcome, we are not only going to use our faith, words, confessions, we need the Spirit of God to overcome!

The Spirit of God was promised to us in Joel 2: 28-31 where He says He will pour out His Spirit to all flesh; in John 7: 37-39, Jesus spoke of a Spirit of God – the Holy Ghost, which those who believe in Him will receive. In Luke 24: 49, the resurrected Jesus talks of the Spirit that we will be endued with from on high. In John 4: 13, 14, Jesus speaks of the Spirit which if we receive, will allow flow out of us living waters springing up into everlasting life. In John 20: 21-23, Jesus breathed upon His disciples the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1: 6-8, Jesus spoke of power that we will receive if we first receive the Holy Spirit of God!

I encourage you to read these scripture verses to gain more insights on the Spirit of God which gives us the power to overcome!

In Luke 3: 21, 22, we read of how Jesus was baptized in the Holy Spirit, right after His water baptism; in Luke 4: 1-13, we read of how Jesus was enveloped in the Spirit and in power.

In Rom. 8: 11, we are encouraged to see how receiving the Spirit that resurrected Jesus Christ on the third day will quicken our own mortal bodies! Hallelujah!

In Acts 10: 38, the Holy Ghost was at work in Jesus, He was anointed with the Holy Ghost and power; and went about doing good.

Jesus did not perform a miracle until He was 30 years old and filled with the Holy Ghost.

The word and the Spirit produces life!

Ezek. 37: 1-13 tells of the story of dry bones in the valley – a hopeless atmosphere that was turned around because of God’s word and the breath of the Spirit of God!

I pray for you today, may you receive the Spirit of the most high God, may His power flow through you in all your endeavors. May you overcome in every challenge and battle thrown against you in Jesus’ name!


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