Rom. 10: 13-14 – “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?”
True Christians are not “usual” Christians; Christians should live unusual lives because they are extraordinary people – Christianity defies the laws of physics, science, economics etc; as Christians we possess the power to defy the laws of poverty and lineage curses. However, many Christians do not know this because those that know do not tell the story. How do we tell the story? Evangelism!
What is aggressive publicity? It is inviting others to our church events and services, telling them there will be special seats and gifts for them when they come. No talking about Jesus there, is there?
What is evangelism? This targets the mind of the unbeliever; it preaches Christ, it puts Christ at the centre of the news we are sharing. It is preaching the gospel. Gospel is good news; it is telling the unbeliever about the death of Christ and the salvation it brought.
Sadly, people want to just share the news of church events and not the good news of what Christ did for us. Evangelism dwells on the common denominator that brings us together as Christians – Christ!
Jesus gave a command – “Go!” He didn’t say “you may go”. Nobody is specially anointed for evangelism; every born again believer has the responsibility to spread the gospel; every one of us must obey the command of God to evangelise.
The first and major reason why people find it difficult to spread the gospel of Christ is as a result of their actions, characters, attitudes and lifestyles, which are opposed to the good news they are meant to share. An individual who specialises in thieving petty cash at work does not live and portray a lifestyle that is in accordance with the Christ-like lifestyle; such person does not possess the moral standard to spread the gospel of Christ. Anyone who must evangelise must live a Christ-like and godly life – and the Christ-like lifestyle is an unusual one, it is not the usual worldly lifestyle.
As a true Christian, there are standards expected of us – the kind of standard that can make us talk to others about Jesus unashamedly!
Another reason that people find it difficult for others to evangelise is that they do not know what to say to others.
What are we to say when we evangelise?
The death, the burial and the resurrection of Christ. We need to tell others that Christ came for them, He was born and then He died for their sakes; use your own life as a practical example of what Christ did for you and what He can do for them.
Evangelism must go on because we need to keep letting people know that God loves them!
II Pet. 3:9 – “The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”
There is nothing the devil gives that he does not take back in multiple measures – this is because he does not love you, he only pretends to; BUT God’s love for us is agape, and He does not want anyone to perish – He loves us even when we wrong Him, He loves us when we repent and He keeps loving us.
Evangelism must continue because God commanded it – it is our duty! As we receive God’s blessings, we are to tell others so they can partake of these blessings too – there is nothing like “I will enjoy Jesus alone”, Christianity is not selfish.
Evangelism must continue because growth is God’s will; where there is no growth then that thing is dying. Growth is evidence that the church is healthy. When we tell others about Christ, it helps grow the church.
Luke 14: 22 – “And the Lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.”
When we get involved in evangelism, we become promoters, marketers and advertisers of the God that we serve. If Jesus is working for us, we must recommend Him to others; we must be His diplomats and ambassadors – spreading His gospel and not doing anything to shame Him. We must protect His interest and serve His will; we must preach not just by our words but also by our lifestyles – many read lifestyles and not the Bible; therefore our lifestyle must be Christ-like. If we claim to love God, we must obey His command to evangelise, recognising that those out there who do not know about Christ and are not saved are not safe!
Be a projector of Christ, evangelise – it is what we exist for as Christians; it is our cause! Every believer who fails to spread the word of Christ is a fake ambassador and is not worthy to represent the kingdom he claims to represent. Reach out to someone physically and spiritually dying today – do not just be a believer, be a gospeller! A gospeller is a trumpeter for Christ!
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