A Daily Devotional with David Olatona — GOD IS MY DELIVERER
Main Text
Psalms 3:1-8
Arise, O Lord; Save me, O my God! For You have struck all my enemies on the cheekbone; You have broken the teeth of the ungodly. Salvation belongs to the Lord. Your blessing is upon Your people.
Psalms 3:7-8 (NKJV)
“Arise O LORD” is a military phrase, calling on God to defend Israel and lead them to victory.(Numbers 10:35). Keeping in mind what God had done in the past gives David confidence in what the Lord would do. David was trusting God for more than protection, he looked for victory because it was not enough for David to survive the threat to the kingdom, he has to be victorious over the threat and that can only be by the blessing of the Lord (Psalm 58:6).
Believing prayer depends completely on God for deliverance while always keeping the kingdom purpose in focus as in The Lord’s prayer teaches us to pray, “Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10). If your world has fallen apart because you have been wiped out financially, or your marriage is in trouble or your child has rebelled, don’t just pray selfishly so that your happy world might be restored. Pray in light of God’s kingdom purposes. Pray that God will act so that He will be glorified and His people will be blessed and strengthened.
Whether it’s a minor crisis or whether life is falling apart at the seams, if Jesus is your High Priest you have access through His blood to the same prayer-hearing God who rescued David. Even if the crisis is the result of your own sin, humble yourself before Him in repentant, believing prayer and He will exalt you at the proper time.
Lord, I commit my days and your ways into your hands trusting that you will lead and guide you through every path I venture into.
Lord, I pray for the grace to be more kingdom focus, relevant and relentless in my walk with you. Amen.
Additional Reading
Psalms 72:17
Isaiah 45:21-22.