Balanced Life Christian Center
Balanced Life Christian Center is an Assembly of Balanced Christians (ABC), founded in August 2015 by divine mandate from God to his servant, Rev. David ‘Kayode Olatona, with a clear vision of connecting people to their destinies, so they can impact their world positively.
We are a people from Africa on a mission to the United States of America with a passion to help people fulfill their destinies in life. We have pastored a vibrant purpose driven church of amazing people for over 20 years which have and is still constantly affecting individual lives, her community, the nation and the universe through, not only religious activities, but through mental, physical, economic development activities. We received the mandate to help people live fulfilled balanced life.
God is at work at Balanced Life Christian Center. We invite you to see for yourself how exciting church can be when the focus is simple and the people are free to go after God with passion! It is Rev. Olatona’s heart that Balanced Life Christian Center be a church that would appeal to all ages and ethnicities. A church where everyone would feel loved and have a place to fit in; a church that makes the Word of God applicable to everyday life.
Have You Read?
The purpose statement of Balanced Life Christian Center is derived from the final words of Jesus to His followers. These words are known as the Great Commandment, Great Commission and Great Church.
Balanced Life Christian Center exists to reach people with the life-giving message of Jesus that they might become fully-devoted followers of Christ.
At Balanced Life Christian Center, every member is a minister; every task is important; every member is a “10” in some area!
Matt. 9: 35-38
Establishing stability and right course for living; integrating the body, soul and spirit of men.
To help the world utilise, in totality, the tools given by God to humanity for the restoration of hope; meeting the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the people around the world through divine provisions of the Holy Spirit.
Pastor David is the senior pastor of both Dominion Faith International Church in Nigeria and Balanced Life Christian Center in New York. He is a spiritual educator, missionary evangelist and preacher of the gospel of Christ.
He was called into ministry in 1986 at the age of 20 and got involved with church planting from the same year, planting churches in Badagry, Lagos State; Ibeshe, Ikorodu-Lagos; Umuahia, Abia State; Okene, Kogi State; Ihima, Kwara State; Ipaja, Lagos State; and New York, United States.
He graduated from LIFE Theological Seminary, Lagos in 1989; an alumnus of Word of Faith Bible Institute, Lagos; Morris Cerrulo School of Ministry, San Diego, California, U.S.A and Jack Hayford School of Pastoral Nurture, Los Angeles, California.
For years, he has kick-started and continued with various projects that help to meet people’s needs – physical, spiritual and economical.
He’s been running leadership development and empowerment seminars and workshops in different nations of the world for years since he started ministry. These sessions aim to improve the spiritual walk of those holding leadership positions in small, medium and large churches and boost their spiritual insights, knowledge and strategies for leading the flock.
The skill acquisition training and development programmes he organises aim at equipping sons and daughters of God with needed vocational skills to improve their personal economies.
He has been to over twelve African nations, including Togo, Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Benin Republic, to mention a few; holding a combination of these leadership seminars and skill training classes – reaching and teaching the under-privileged major keys to better economic and spiritual lives.
David Olatona holds different leadership positions in the body of Christ and also successfully ran a Bible School for three years. He was a speaker at the Peace December Coalition anniversary in 2015.
For the past 12 years, David Olatona has also been involved in medical missions – seeking to improve the medical conditions of people with little or no access to proper medical attention and check-ups.
In addition to these, he also has dedicated the last couple of years towards organising food pantries and drives Ipaja, Lagos and in Mount Vernon, New York; during the COVID-19 global pandemic, he also organised palliative care for hundreds of families whose livelihood and means of living have been affected in Nigeria.
His passion is to contribute his quota in building a healthy body of prevailing Christians across the globe! He is happily married to Pastor Dele Olatona and they are blessed with a son.