Main Text
Psalms 97:1-12
And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
Colossians 3:17 NKJV
Our worship impacts on how we live throughout the week. Whenever people in the Bible encountered God or His ways, worship was their spontaneous response. So the key to worship is not to focus on worship, but to focus on God. When my mind, emotions, and will are properly related to God, I will thankfully worship Him for His majesty, glory, and abundant goodness. As believers we should strive to have a culture that exalts the name and reputation of Christ above all else. Everything we say and everything we do should be done in the name of Jesus, or for the sake of His fame and reputation.
(1 Thessalonians 4:1).
The Christian faith is a community faith. Let us do all we can to encourage one another in the faith. Firstly by encouraging one another to come to worship and while we are there, to engage with God through his word to us in the Bible and to engage with God through our emotions in the liturgical acts we undertake. And then to encourage one another to take God with us when we leave our worship services and to do all we can to live our lives as acts of worship, pleasing to God. Let us be sure to encourage one another as we walk together with God and, with gratitude in our hearts, thank him for all that he has given us through the sacrificial life and death of his Son, Jesus Christ.(Hebrews 13:15-16).
The idea of submission to Christ is explicit is in the words, “giving thanks through Him to God the Father”. To thank God, especially when difficult things happen, means that I must submit to His sovereign dealings with me. I am acknowledging that all my situations are under His control and in harmony with His love. Like Job, I can worship Him even though I may not understand what He is doing if I submit my heart to say, “Thank you, Lord! I trust Your sovereign, loving dealings with me”. (Psalms 116:12).
Heavenly father, thank you that you who started a good work in me will complete it in the day of Christ Jesus – to You be all honour and praise, thanksgiving and worship, AMEN.
Oh Lord, may all I do in word and deed be carried out in the name of Jesus and to His praise and glory. Amen.
Additional Reading
1 Peter 4:11
1 John 3:18.